My Friend At Amazon.

There's a line you don't see every day.  But here's the deal.  We need to peer pressure our American Amazon to start being more like Spain's Amazon starting today.  Let me explain.  A few weeks ago I entered the wrong delivery address for an Amazon package (we hadn't yet moved into our new apartment, but I accidentally sent it there instead of to our AirBnb) and the Amazon delivery guy FOUND ME ON FACEBOOK to message me that he had my package but no one was answering the ringer at the new building and so did he want me to bring it somewhere else.  (W.T.F.(?))  He said he had also tried the phone number associated with my Amazon order but, because he couldn't dial out to a US number (we were still in the process of figuring out our Spanish cell phone lines - picture yet another weeks-long journey similar to the previous bank account setup posts where, maybe, 4th or 5th time was a ‘charm’ in getting it all up and running), so he figured he would try to find me online.  And did. 

So here I am, messaging at 9 pm with this Amazon guy - let's just call him what he now is - my new friend - and he offers not only to deliver the package to us ten minutes away, right then and there, but the next day he WhatsApp messages me that he put in a note - ON HIS MORNING OFF - to his colleague about the issue since we still had a few more packages coming the following day.  So that the colleague could HAND DELIVER said forthcoming packages to us at our AirBnb address like he had.  And did I mention the packaging here is like a tenth of what Amazon USA uses, and everything still arrives safe and sound and with a whole lot less trash/recycling-related (and environmentally hazardous) hassle? 

So, like I said friends, let's write our Senators or, err, local Amazon delivery centers, today.  Or tomorrow.  Or right after I go order myself a new computer charger on Amazon.  (Old one's fading and a girl's gotta be able to get digital for these things.) 


The elusive community garden.