Ok Ok FOURTH Time’s A Charm!  

Ever think you’d be so elated to open a bank account?  Well, friend, you’ve never moved to Spain as a foreigner!  We never heard back from banco numero 3 after they accepted our application (see previous post, if you dare, to understand the depths of our dashed hopes).  HOWEVER(!) as you may recall, our friends “knew a guy” (ok a gal but guy sounds more drug dealer like).  So we traveled north from Malaga to Valencia (for other reasons but I wouldn’t have put it past us to do it for this one) and booked an appointment with the bank teller that helped our American friends open their bank account six months ago.  And VOILA!  Two hours later this Amazing woman - who isn’t sketchy at all, by the way, she’s quite delightful and just knew how to work with expats in nonresident tax status - opened our account!  

We also experienced the flip side of that painstakingly-slow-when-you’re-waiting-for-it customer service thing - once we were actually getting the service, it was generous, thorough, and she was never impatient just because someone else was waiting.  And when Luca ran around scaling furniture around the 1.5 hour mark, she offered him part of her desk space and a few highlighters and paper for his, um, artwork.  

All that to say, after all the trials and tribulations, you are now looking at TWO card-carrying Espana bank account owners!  (Ok fine we don’t have the physical debit cards yet but hopefully by Monday.  She’s not a miracle worker, you know.)  HOORAY


New York Times?  Maybe Next Time.


With Banking, Third Time’s A Charm.  (We Hope?)